We have a paid subscription to Kami for grades 4-8.  Using the paid version of Kami allows us to post assignments in Google Classroom and let students turn in their work from Kami.

Step #1: Creating The Kami Assignment (Teachers) 

You need to go to the Classwork tab in your Classroom course, click the Create button in Classroom, and select Kami Assignment from the list of options.

You can also create a Kami Assignment from the home view by clicking Create Classroom Assignment.

Step #2: Select Material To Assign (Teachers)

Creating a Kami Assignment is similar to creating a normal Google Classroom assignment. You can create a title, add instructions, and attach a file using Google Drive or a local file. This will create an assignment within Classroom as well. We recommend selecting Make a copy for each student (selecting Students share one copy means they will all be annotating the original).

You're all done! Now let's cover what the students see on their side.

Step #1: Opening Your Kami Assignment

The students can open the file directly from Classroom into Kami. If the students have the Google Chrome extension installed, they can open the file into Kami directly from the preview window. 

Step #2: Opening And Completing Your Kami Assignment (Students)

After opening the file, students are then able to complete their work using the Kami tools.

Step #3: Turning In Your Work For Grading (Students)

When the student is finished with their work they can then turn in the assignment directly into Classroom from Kami. 

To turn in the file, the student can click the Turn In button in the top-right corner. This will force save the student's annotations and turn in the assignment into Google Classroom.

The main advantage of this feature is that it cuts down the steps needed to turn an assignment in. For example, students no longer need to manually save their work.

Step #4: Grading with Kami (Teachers)

Kami allows you to view the student's work within Kami. You may view it before or after their document is turned in. You can view their work like you would normally go to view the student's work in Google Classroom. Follow the instructions here to enable this feature.

Adapted from: https://help.kamiapp.com/en/articles/912258-how-to-use-kami-s-upgraded-google-classroom-integration-paid